The Alliance

Territorial alliance for carbon neutrality

The Alliance's strategy is to build connections and synergies between actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by civil society actors.

Art. 6 "Alliance Strategy" Alliance Manifesto

The Parma Carbon Neutrality Territorial Alliance was born with the aim of accelerating the systemic transformation of the territory towards carbon neutrality by 2030, by and for the citizens of the province of Parma, through the construction of a multilevel process.


The value of emissions per inhabitant of the Province of Parma is higher than that found for Italy: this derives from the fact that the Province of Parma is characterized by a higher density of productive activities (agricultural, industrial and tertiary) compared to the Italian average.

Province of Parma

Province of Parma

11.58 tons of CO₂ eq
GROSS emissions per capita

8.49 tons of CO₂ eq
NET emissions per capita



7.01 tons of CO₂ eq
GROSS emissions per capita

6.32 tons of CO₂ eq.
NET emissions per capita


In this context, the Alliance acts as a driver of decarbonisation for the provincial territory of Parma with the aim of :

  • create and develop a network of citizens and other civil society actors in the province of Parma willing to actively contribute to the objective of carbon neutrality of the territory through individual or collective initiatives;
  • disseminate good practices and knowledge needed to reduce barriers and promote the adoption of new concepts, technologies, problem-solving approaches that support the achievement of carbon neutrality by 2030 within a framework of social, economic and environmental sustainability;
  • create synergy between civil society initiatives and strategies promoted by local institutions such as the Climate City Contract”, with which the city of Parma commits to achieving carbon neutrality in the municipal territory by 2030 as part of the European Mission 100 Carbon Neutral Cities by 2030” and the strategic planning of the wider area of the Province of Parma with particular reference to mountain areas.


To effectively pursue its general objectives, the Alliance is committed to operating through public initiatives, including:

  • identify, map and valorise all the concrete actions implemented by citizens and all the subjects who live and work in the province of Parma to reduce their emissions, direct or indirect, of climate-altering gases;
  • promote decarbonisation supply chains” by stimulating collaborative and synergic actions between the subjects that interact within agri-food, industrial, technological, service or other supply chains, in order to accelerate the decarbonisation process of the local economy and reduce the environmental and social impact of climate change on the territory;
  • involve different categories of stakeholders (businesses, schools, citizens, trade associations, environmentalists, etc.) in relation to their active participation in the Alliance, acting primarily on the level of knowledge and culture;
  • activate the exchange of good practices with the territories that have already started a virtuous path towards the same objectives as the Alliance, such as the Bristol Green Capital Partnership and the Siena Territorial Alliance;
  • provide local communities, particularly mountain communities, with opportunities to study and gain a deeper understanding of the new opportunities offered by the Green Economy;
  • contribute to the monitoring and certification of the territorial carbon balance;
  • facilitate the adoption of the Carbon Neutrality Territorial Alliance model in other areas of the Region or other territorial realities;
  • contribute to the protection and enhancement of the environment and the territory, cultural heritage and landscape through studies and actions aimed at combining the objective of decarbonisation with the sustainable management of local resources and the territory;
  • carry out communication, territorial animation, dissemination, information and knowledge actions on climate change, activating communication and territorial marketing campaigns;
  • participate in a structured manner in funding calls, support and networking activities that will be launched at European, national and local level on issues directly or indirectly linked to the decarbonisation of the economy.



Brief presentation