CO₂ emissions
By CO₂ emissions, we mean emissions of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide ( CO₂ ) is released into the Earth's atmosphere mainly from the burning of carbon-containing fuels and from the decay of wood and other plant matter. CO₂ is a colorless, odorless gas. It is removed from the atmosphere mainly by plants, which extract carbon from CO₂ to build their tissues, and by the oceans, into which CO₂ dissolves.
CO₂ emissions are dangerous because humans have produced and continue to produce such a large amount of CO₂ that the amount in the atmosphere has become dangerous.
Over the years we have produced a lot of gas, oil and coal for our daily life. Gases that are now out of balance and threaten to drastically change our planet.
In fact, CO₂ emissions, with the high production of gas, oil and coal, enter our clean air and create an invisible layer around the earth.
This layer retains heat inside the earth and this process, called greenhouse effect, causes global warming. Carbon dioxide is in fact a greenhouse gas, which can remain in the atmosphere for thousands of years and seriously harm nature and all living beings.