The agreement update was signed this morning

At the same time, the organizational chart of the Alliance was also defined.

The founders of the Alliance signed the act - which is an update of the previous agreement signed in 2020 -: Emilia-Romagna Region; Province of Parma; Municipality of Parma; University of Parma; CNR through the Institute of Materials for Electronics and Magnetism (CNR-IMEM); ARPAE Emilia-Romagna; Management Body for Parks and Biodiversity Western Emilia; Parma Industrialists' Union; Parma, I'm in! and KilometroVerdeParma Forestry Consortium.

The agreement is aimed at relaunching the Parma Carbon Neutrality Territorial Alliance in order to contribute in the most effective way possible to the shared objective of carbon neutrality of the province of Parma by 2030.

At the same time, the Alliance's organizational chart was also defined .
The President is Maria Paola Chiesi, appointed unanimously by all the founding members.
The Vice President is Daniele Friggeri, while the coordinator of the board is Massimo Mazzer of the CNR.

“The Alliance is extremely important – underlines the new president Maria Paola Chiesi – because it is a community pact to take care of its territory, its present and its future. It is an alliance that shows that it loves its territory and wants to take care of it. The health of the Planet influences the health of the territory and its citizens. We must realize this. So from the Alliance comes a message of hope because, united, we can do many things, very significant, with impact. We will work, together, so that our territory is always better and more liveable. The fundamental aspect will be that of correct information with the generation of scientific data that support us in our statements and actions.
Unfortunately, there is often a lot of misinformation. Involvement, education, and awareness by all citizens are important. And then there are the decarbonization actions of the various industrial chains that we will have to study together and the issue of adapting our cities and territories to the effects of climate change”.

“The Province of Parma – states Vice President Daniele Friggeri – was the creator, implementer and coordinator of an Alliance that has the objectives, on the one hand, of listening to the needs of the territories and, on the other, of promoting an energy and environmental strategy for the entire provincial territory.
The Province's commitment was to broaden interest and encourage the participation of new subjects.
With the new agreement, the Alliance truly becomes a tool available to all.
The story of virtuous examples, the participation of young people with aperigreen and podcasts are ways to bring the citizens of Parma ever closer and to implement that principle of bottom-up participation that has already proven successful in models that we have taken as a reference such as those of the Bristol Green Capital Partnership and the Siena Territorial Alliance. I thank all the actors who have been at our side in these years and who will be in the future to face this great challenge: this is the beginning of a marathon that we will run, together, with the support of the most beautiful realities of the province, realizing many concrete initiatives”.

I sottoscrittori dell'Alleanza

From left: Alessandro Angella (director of the Municipality of Parma); Daniele Friggeri (vice president of the Province of Parma and of the Alliance); Maria Paola Chiesi (president of the Territorial Carbon Neutrality Alliance of Parma); Paolo Martelli (rector of the University of Parma); Gabriele Buia (president of Upi-Unione Parmense degli industriali); Andrea Zappettini (director of Cnr-Imem) and Davide Bollati (Parma, I'm in!).