Students from ITT Rondani in Parma are working in Alleanza!

With the creative workshop "My way!", they will try to raise awareness among other students on the topic

The 4°B and 4°F classes, with a focus on communication, of the ITT Rondani in Parma, have started a creative workshop for the creation of an awareness tool kit aimed at other students and young people, for peer-to-peer communication.

Workshop title "My way!"

The activity is part of the engagement actions carried out within the project "The Alliance is growing" which aims to raise awareness at various levels in the community on the topic of sustainability, with various types of tools (podcasts of sustainability champions, pop-up shows, aperigreen, institutional portal, engagement portal, etc...).
In fact, the basic project idea also includes the intention of involving students from some high schools in Parma and its province for a peer-to-peer approach to sustainability issues.

At ITT Rondani, the first two meetings have already been held: one with a CNR expert who spoke about climate change and energy, the other with Komunica for a self-managed creative brainstorming.
The students immediately got to work, choosing the best and most suitable way, in their opinion, to raise awareness among other young people on the topic.

On the occasion of “Earth Day” on April 14, the project outputs will be shared on the portal and during the event.